Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chapter 15 - California

Simi Valley is also a part of the California region.  Many of the most notable aspects of California are visible in Simi Valley.

Simi Valley is often effected by both earthquakes and wildfires.  The 1994 Northridge earthquake was centered just a few miles to the east of Simi Valley and many Simi Valley residents had injuries and property damage.  Simi Valley structures have been threatened many times by wildfires, including the Sesnon fire in 2008.

Just like much of California, Simi Valley residents are dependent on motor vehicles.  Many Simi Valley residents commute to Los Angeles County for work each day.

YouTube Video - Brushfire in Simi Valley, 2003.  

Regional Landscapes of the United States and Candade (p294-315)

1 comment:

  1. This is a really intense video, i grew up close to that area and i remember all the coverage it received, and all the support done by surrounding areas. really powerful piece, it brought me back to that time. Wonderful job!
